Query for published tags - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Allows you to view the tags present in the CDW domain. You can query either on the tag details or by the register document to which the tags are related.

Query for tags by tag details

  1. Click Query > MTR > Registry Tags.

  2. Select the Based on tag details option in the Query For Registry Tags dialog box.

    SHARED Tip By default, the Number option includes the asterisk (*), which will return all the tags in the CDW domain.

  3. Provide the required information to search for the registry tags.

Query for tags by register document

  1. Click Query > MTR > Registry Tags.

  2. Select the Based on register document option.

  3. Select the register document on which you want to query. The property details that are set on the view definition that is associated with the selected register document are displayed to set criteria.

  4. From the Criteria (editable) column, click the property for which you want to set the criteria.

  5. In the Criteria Definition dialog box, use the Operator and Value boxes to define the criteria that must be met by an object before it can be returned by the report.

  6. Click Add Criterion to list the criterion in the Currently defined criteria box.

  7. If necessary, click either And or Or, and define additional criteria that must be met.

    SHARED Tip You can remove or modify added criteria by selecting them in the Currently defined criteria box and clicking Update Criterion, Delete All Criterion, or Delete Selected Criterion.

  8. Click OK to return to the Query For Registry Tags dialog box.

  9. Click OK.

SHARED Tip You can also click Find > Consolidated Data > <TagType> to search for tags in the CDW domain based on the tag type.