Merge items by grouping object - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

You can merge items into a parent configuration using a structured merge by grouping object. This structured merge can be configured in a new method that defines the path to locate the specific grouping object items found in the sub-configurations. These grouped items are merged into the parent configuration without having to merge all the data available in a selected project. The merge of grouped objects starts with selecting a single grouping object, for example a Commissioning Unit, System, or Area. There can be many levels that contain data located by the grouping object; the level and depth of data is controlled by a graph definition that can be configured in the method. Some items may or may not be able to be merged, including the grouping object itself because it may already reside in a higher configuration. For more information on configuring a merge by grouping object, see Configuring merge by grouping.

Each merge by grouping object carries out merge validation before proceeding. Any conflicts or errors that occur are itemized in an exception report for resolution. For more information on reviewing grouping by object exceptions, see Reviewing merge by grouping object errors.

  • Merging data using the merge by grouping feature does not support multiple grouping objects.

  • If a grouping object cannot be merged, it will not be terminated after the completion of a successful merge.

  • You can create a merge summary of items by grouping object before merging the selected data to a higher configuration using a method configured with the MergeStructureSummary client API. For more information, see MergeStructureSummary client API.