GenerateMergedRendition client API - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

The GenerateMergedRendition client API is used to configure the creation of merged alternate renditions, such as PDF files.



Parameter 1

GraphDef to navigate to the files

Parameter 1 default


Parameter 1 description

Graph definition to navigate to the files from the selected object.

Parameter 1 type


Parameter 2

Specify dynamic expression for merge order

Parameter 2 default


Parameter 2 description

Dynamic expression that needs to be evaluated on each file to identify the merge order. For example, &Obj.Name& to order files based on their name.

Parameter 2 type


Parameter 3

Specify dynamic expression for bookmark

Parameter 3 default


Parameter 3 description

Dynamic expression that needs to be evaluated on each file to add the bookmark. For example, &Obj->SPFFileComposition_12.Name& to add attaching document name as the bookmark.

Parameter 3 type


Parameter 4

Include markups in PDFs

Parameter 4 default


Parameter 4 description

If set to True, markups are included when generating a merged alternate rendition, such as a PDF. If set to False, markups are not included.

Parameter 4 type


Parameter 5

Include reference files in PDFs

Parameter 5 default


Parameter 5 description

If set to True, reference files are included when generating a merged alternate rendition, such as a PDF. If set to False, reference files are not included.

Parameter 5 type


Parameter 6

Include labels in PDFs

Parameter 6 default


Parameter 6 description

If set to True, labels are included when generating a merged alternate rendition, such as a PDF. If set to False, labels are not included.

Parameter 6 type


Parameter 7

Label name

Parameter 7 default


Parameter 7 description

The label specified for this parameter will override any label specified for the document master or revision.

Parameter 7 type


Parameter 8

Include watermarks in PDFs

Parameter 8 default


Parameter 8 description

If set to True, watermarks are included when generating a merged alternate rendition, such as a PDF. If set to False, watermarks are not included.

Parameter 8 type


Parameter 9

Watermark name

Parameter 9 default


Parameter 9 description

The watermark specified for this parameter will override any watermark specified for the document master or revision.

Parameter 9 type


Parameter 10

Related generated PDF to the file

Parameter 10 default


Parameter 10 description

Individual alternate renditions will be generated for files with no related alternate renditions. If set to True, those alternate renditions will be related to their corresponding files.

Parameter 10 type


Parameter 11

Regenerate merged renditions

Parameter 11 default


Parameter 11 description

If set to True, existing merged alternate renditions will be regenerated without prompting the user. If set to False, the user will be prompted. If some of the selected files have existing merged alternate renditions, the user will be asked to click Yes to regenerate or No to ignore existing merged alternate renditions and continue with the rest. If all the selected files have existing merged alternate renditions, the user will be asked to click OK to regenerate or Cancel to exit.

Parameter 11 type


Parameter 12

Filter files based on document revision status

Parameter 12 default


Parameter 12 description

If set to CURRENT, only files related to the Current revision of the documents will be merged. If set to WORKING_IF_NO_CURRENT, files related to the Working revision of the documents will be merged if a Current revision of the documents does not exist. If not set, or set to any value other than CURRENT and WORKING_IF_NO_CURRENT, all selected files will be merged.

Parameter 12 type


No delivered methods use this client API.