List Edit window - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

The List Edit window allows you to edit data from the list view. The List Edit window can be configured to allow you to create, edit, or delete list items.

The List Edit window can be configured to allow you to save the list as a list document. For more information, see Save lists as documents and List documents.

Mandatory values are marked by an asterisk (*) in the column header. If you create a new list item and do not enter a value for a mandatory value, the background color of the cell changes. Administrators can configure column sets to designate which values are mandatory or read-only in the List Edit window.

List Edit window

SHARED Tip When selecting or clearing a check box in the List Edit window, you must first click in the cell to select it and then click the cell again to select or clear the option.

Save List As New [Object] - Saves the list as a new list document if configured by your administrator.

Save List to Existing [Object] - Saves the list as an existing list document if configured by your administrator.

List Edit Options dialog box

If multiple List Edit windows are available for this item type, you must choose which window to open.

Name - Choose an available configuration of the List Edit window to open.

Filter dialog box

Allows you to filter the items that are displayed in the List Edit window based on a value in the column.

Group items - Groups items together based on their values for the property in the selected column.

New items - Creates a separate group for new items for each grouping.

Modified items - Creates a separate group for modified items for each grouping.

Clear Filter - Resets the filter and displays all items. Removes all sorting from the columns.

Unit of Measure dialog box

Select a unit of measure (UoM). You can also enter the first letters of the UoM to jump to the UoM in the list.

  • The Unit of Measure dialog box converts the value you enter to the UoM you select.

  • If a default UOM has been set for this column, that UoM will already be selected when the UoM dialog box appears.

Edit Relationships dialog box

Allows you to assign relationships in the List Edit window.

Enter search criteria in the criteria box and click Find.

Search results appear on the left side of the dialog box. Use the right arrow to move values into the right side of the dialog box, and the left arrow to move them back to the left side. The values on the right are assigned to the property when you click OK.

  • The search criteria box only appears if the column is set to RelationshipFind in the column set. If this is not set, all available items appear on the left side of the dialog box.

  • You may be allowed to assign multiple values to a property, or the property might be restricted to only one value. This depends on the rules of the relationship.

  • Each document is displayed in the Edit Relationships dialog box with its name and revision or version information. For more information, see List editing.

Resolve Conflicts dialog box

Allows you to resolve problems with objects edited or created in the List Edit window.

Name - The name of the object.

Type - The type of conflict. The two types are Validation and Out-Of-Date. The value in this column changes to Resolved when the conflict is addressed.

Message - Displays details about the conflict.

Resolve - Click to resolve the conflict.

Out of Date Object dialog box

Allows users to resolve differences between property values and relationships in the List Edit window and the values in the database. Click the value you want to use. Click the New Local Value or Server Value column header to select all values in the column.

Property - The property that is out of date.

Relationship - The relationship that is out of date.

Original Local Value - The value for the property or relationship that was current when you opened the List Edit window.

New Local Value - The value for the property or relationship that you entered in the List Edit window.

Server Value - The value for the property or relationship that is in the database.

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