Create and relate tags - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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For each extracted tag, the master tag name is determined using the rules defined in the tag discovery pattern. If an extracted tag name and the mater tag name determined from the part map file are the same, then a master tag is created with that name. If an extracted tag name is different from the master tag name determined from the part map file, then an alias tag is created with the extracted name and it is related to a master tag name determined from the part map file.

For example, the tags P-100, P/100, and P_100 are extracted from a drawing. The rules defined in the tag discovery pattern indicate that P-100 is a master tag and P/100 and P_100 are alias tags. If changes are made to these rules, the creation and deletion of the master and the alias tags is described in the following cases.

Case I

Scenario: An alias tag is determined to be a master tag. For example, after a change to the rules defined in the tag discovery pattern, P_100 is determined to be a master.

Result: A master tag is created and the existing relationship between the alias tag (which has been changed to a master tag) and its corresponding master tag is terminated. In the above example, P-100 and P_100 are master tags and P-100 is related to the alias tag P/100.

Case II

Scenario: A master tag is determined to be an alias tag and the master tag has alias tags related to it. For example, after changes to the rules defined in the tag discovery pattern, P-100 is determined to be an alias tag, and alias tag P/100 is related to a new master tag 1409-P-100.

Result: An alias tag is created from a master tag only when the alias tags related to it are related to one or more new master tag names. If a new master tag name is determined for an alias tag, then the relationship with the previous master tag (which has been determined to be an alias tag) is terminated and a relationship is created with the new master tag. As long as an alias tag is related to the master tag (which has been determined to be an alias tag), then the master tag is not changed to be an alias tag, and this is recorded in the log file. For example, P-100 becomes an alias tag, and the alias tag P/100 gets related to the master tag 1409-P-100.

The change of tag naming rules may result having documents related to master tags which are not extracted from the file directly but are set to be master tags for alias tags that have been extracted from the file. In this case, if due to subsequent change in the tag naming rules, the alias tags are changed to master tags, then the document status is set to DocumentOutOfDate. These documents can be processed in the content discovery task by selecting the OutOfDate option from the Filter document status list.