Composite objects - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Help

SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

The business item is made up of more than one object related together. There are many examples of this in SmartPlant Foundation with slightly different configurations, but in general, one of the related objects cannot exist without being related to the other.

Use cases

  • Delete Transmittal – this will delete the section.

  • Delete Section – this will not delete the transmittal.

  • Copy Transmittal – this will copy the section.

  • Copy the section – this will copy the relationship to the transmittal; the new section will be related to the original transmittal.

  • Sections are part of the transmittals. As they are added or removed, this has to register as an update to the transmittal itself. This sets the last updated date of the transmittal and should only be possible if the transmittal is found in the context of the current create configuration.

Relationship configuration

Min1=1 means the transmittal section cannot exist without being related to a transmittal.

Min2=0 means the transmittal can exist without a section.

Max1=1 means the transmittal section can only be on one transmittal.

Min2=* means the transmittal can have many sections.

Delete12=True means the transmittal sections must be deleted when the transmittal is deleted because Min2 is less than zero.

Copy12=”Copy object at the other end” means the transmittal sections are duplicated when the transmittals are copied.

Owner12=True means that adding or removing sections needs to update the transmittal.

Although the transmittals are configuration dependent (SPFIsConfigurationControlled=True on the Class Definitions), they are not claimable, meaning the Claim12 and Claim21 flags are set to False.