Compare data sheet snapshots - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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You can compare two snapshots of data sheet versions in authoring mode, rather than waiting until the snapshots are published to the data warehouse for comparison.

  1. Find the data sheet for which you want to compare snapshots.

  2. Right-click on the datasheet, and click Revision Relationships > Show all Versions.

    You may need to use the Master Relationships > Show all Revisions command from the shortcut menu if you want to compare versions from different revisions.

  3. Press the CTRL key, and click two versions or revisions that have snapshots associated with them.

  4. Right-click the versions or revisions, and click Compare on the shortcut menu.

    The software displays differences between the two data sheet revisions or versions in the standard Document Version Comparison or Document Revision Comparison dialog boxes.


  5. To create a Microsoft Excel report of the differences, click Export.