File types and printing applications - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Help

SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

When a user selects documents with attachments to print (or convert to an alternate format), all the attached files have particular file types associated with them. These file types indicate the file type extension, default printing application, alternate format printing application, and whether the file dimensions are to be displayed when printed. SmartPlant Foundation uses the default printing application for the file type to print files of that type on the selected printer, and uses the specified alternate printing application for the file type to print files in alternate formats, such as PDF.

If there is not a default application specified for a file type in SmartPlant Foundation, the software uses the default application associated with the printto action for the file type in Windows. For example, if Microsoft Word is installed, it typically prints .docx files by default.

To use the Windows default application to print a file type, type Default (or leave the Default application box blank) when you define the printing application for the file type or relationship.

When you set the printing application to Default, the file type must have an application associated with the printto action in Windows for printing to work. You can configure the Windows default application for the file type by opening the Control Panel and associating the file type with an installed program.

To use SmartPlant Markup Plus to print a file type by default, specify "dmredl -p "$FILENAME" -q "$PRINTER" in the Default application box for the file type in SmartPlant Foundation.


Alternatively, the printing application can be another application that can print the file when the native application is not installed. For example, SmartSketch can be used to print .PID files when Smart P&ID is not available.

If you want an application other than the default to print a file type, one of the following conditions must be met so that SmartPlant Foundation can locate the application for printing. These conditions also apply to the PostScript application.

  • The path to the application executable must be included in the system path environment variable.

  • The full path to the executable must be included when you define the default application for a file type or relationship.

  • The executable for the application must exist in the main SmartPlant Foundation directory.

Most file types use SmartPlant Markup Plus as the alternate printing application.