Workflow Model Configuration Overview - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

A workflow is a set of steps that represent business processes such as:

  • Reviewing and signing off documents

  • Loading published data in an integrated environment

  • Issuing documents as part of a transmittal process

Workflow steps manage each stage of the process including validation, approval, distribution, and notification. Each workflow step has a target completion date that determines when overdue notifications are sent and workflows expire.

Workflow steps can be performed in sequence or, when multiple steps can happen at the same time, in parallel.

An object can move from one workflow into another. For example, a document review and sign off workflow can be configured so that a document rejected during a review step move to a different workflow designed to address the issues found with the document.

Any object can be passed down a workflow, but the most typical ones are:

  • Document

  • Folder

  • Transmittal

A workflow administrator creates workflow templates consisting of the workflow steps with defined recipients which are users, roles, or matrices. These templates are conditionally made available to manage different classes of objects. Shortcut menu commands on objects in the client are used to send them down a workflow and then manage the item in that workflow. All workflow communication to the SmartPlant Foundation user is performed in the To Do List and also optionally by a regular e-mail.

When a workflow step requires action from a user, that step is presented in the user's To Do List where the appropriate commands are presented on the shortcut menu. The appearance of the action in the user's To Do List clearly shows if it is overdue.

You can configure the columns that appear in the To Do List by specifying a value for the ColumnSet parameter on the ShowInbox client API. If the ColumnSet value is not specified, then the default column set is displayed.

Workflows are built using the following components:

For details about the model, see the Workflow Model.