SPX Propagate Properties - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

Property propagation refers to copying the value of a property from one object to another. You can use the SPX Propagate Properties workflow process step to propagate properties from the workflow object to its related or non-related objects, and vice-versa.

The workflow step class needs to be configured for Property Propagation. For more information on configuring property propagation, see Workflow Process steps in the Technical Documentation for SPO/E Core.

Propagate properties from source object to target object

  1. Right-click the workflow step class, then click Property Propagation > Manage Property Propagation.

  2. In the Manage Property Propagation dialog box, click Update.

  3. In the Update Property Propagation Object dialog box, type the information in the Propagation Target box.

  4. Type the information in the Propagation Source box.

  5. Click Finish.

  • The following syntaxes can be used for both source and target properties:

    • OBJ.MyPropertyName (Represents the workflow object).

    • +MyRelationshipName.MyPropertyName (Represents a related object. The characters + or - represent the direction of property propagation. Both + (from object 1 to object 2) and - (from object 2 to object 1) directions can be specified for property propagation.

    • REL12_MyRelationshipName.MyPropertyName (Represents a related object; REL 21 direction can also be specified).

    • PREVIOUS.PropertyName (Represents a property on the previous step.).

    • PREVIOUSUSER.PropertyName (Represents a property on the previous step’s workflow user.).

    • UID_<UIDofObject>.PropertyName (Properties can be propagated by specifying the UID of the objects.).

    • Name_<NameofObject>.PropertyName (Properties can be propagated by specifying the names of the objects.).

  • If the target object is related to two or more objects by the same RelDef, the property is propagated to all these related objects.

  • If the source object is related to two or more objects by the same RelDef, the property is propagated from any one object only.