Relationship definitions - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)

When an object is claimed, all its relationships are copied to the lower configuration, but they are not claimed in their own right. The objects on the end of the relationships are claimed based on further extensions to the relationship definition.

The relationship definitions are extended to support configuration of the claim ownership of relationships by using the flags claim12 and claim21. These properties are used to control what happens to related objects when an object is claimed into a lower configuration. The related objects can be left where they are, as they are automatically claimed along with the parent object or presented in a confirmation dialog for user selection.

The options are:

  • Null - Related object not claimed.

  • Required - System automatically claims the object. This is stored in xml as ReqdObj.

  • Optional - User has the option to claim the object. This is stored in xml as OptionalObj.



Set on


Claim this relationship if the object at end 1 is claimed.

Set by an administrator. Options are for mandatory claim, optional claim, or null.


Claim this relationship if the object at end 2 is claimed.

Set by an administrator.


Force the relationship to exist outside of configuration control.

Set by an administrator.

For more information on how to use other relationship definition extensions, such as owner flags, see Configuring Relationships.

When a relationship has a claim owner, the relationships of that type can only be created, modified, or deleted if the owner of the relationship exists in, or is claimed to, the current create configuration.

Configuration independent items cannot be claimed.