Loader Directory Poller - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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Before running the Directory Poller, you must configure the SPFLoaderDirPoll.exe.config file.

The application settings for the Directory Poller are very similar to the command line options for the Loader.


<add key="UserName" value="superuser"/> - User

<add key="UserPassword" value=""/> - User Password

<add key="Plant" value=""/> - Plant

<add key="Project" value=""/> - Project

<add key="Server" value=""/> - Server

<add key="Host" value="localhost"/> - Host

<add key="WebDir" value="SPFServer"/> - Web Directory

<add key="LogFileLocation" value="C:\"/> - Output.PollLog file is generated. For example- C:\Output.PollLog

<add key="LoaderCommand" value="SPFDataLoader.exe"/> - Name of the SPFData Loader.exe file

<add key="ProductPath" value="C:\products\SPF40\Source\Client Projects\SPFDataLoader\bin"/> - Location of the SPFDataLoader.exe file


The Loader Directory Poller helps automate load file processing by monitoring specified folders and submitting any load files placed in those folders to the Loader for processing. When running, the Directory Poller automatically checks for files at a user-defined interval. You can also check for files or pause the Poller at any time from within the Directory Poller interface.

If the Directory Poller encounters a load file in a specified folder, the Directory Poller submits the file to the Loader in silent mode, either automatically at the end of a polling interval or interactively when you click Poll Now in the interface. After it has submitted all the load files in the specified folders, the Directory Poller restarts the polling timer and sleeps until the polling interval expires again, or until you click Pause or Poll Now.