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SmartPlant Foundation Help

SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Navigate to Smart Community for sample ELFs of ADMIN_SPO, SCHEMA_SPO, USER_SPO, and WORKFLOW_SPO spreadsheets.

We recommend that you create a backup copy of the original spreadsheets before making any modifications to them.

You can refer to USER_SPO.xlsm sample spreadsheet to configure various documents such as engineering, procurement, project control, vendor document, email, and admin documents.

You can modify the USER_SPO.xlsm to create new documents, and load them to the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client.

Create a document

The following example shows creating an Engineering document by modifying the USER_SPO spreadsheet.

  1. Navigate to Smart Community for sample ELF of USER_SPO.xlsm file. For more information, see Find sample data on Smart Community.

  2. In the Engineering Document sheet, add a new row in the Engineering Document Master section.

  3. In the Name column, type the name of the document according to the default defined ENS definition for engineering document, SPXEngineeringDocumentENS. For example, if you type [EngDoc_0000-ED-A-0007] in the Name column, then in this example, the first four characters, “0000” represents the Project. The second two characters, “ED” represents the Originator. The third character, “A” represents the Discipline, and the last four characters, "0007" represent the Sequence.

  4. In the Description column, type the description for the document.

  5. In the Plant column, type the plant to which the engineering document is related using the [PL_PlantName] format. For example, for Plant A, type [PL_PlantA] in the Plant column.

  6. In the Area column, type the area using the [AR_Area No.] format. For example, for area 10, type [AR_10] in the Area column.

  7. In the Unit column, type the unit using the [UNT_UnitNo] format. For example, for unit 20, type [UNT_20] in the Unit column.

  8. In the Originator column, type the originator code using the [SPXOriginator_Originator Code] format. For example, for originator code "AB", type [SPXOriginator_AB].

  9. In the Discipline column, type the discipline using the [SPXDiscipline_DisciplineCode] format. For example, for discipline "A", type [SPXDiscipline_A].

  10. In the UID column, type the UID of the document master using the [Prefix of Documentclassification_DocumentName] format. For example for Engineering document, “0000-ED-A-0007”, type [EngDoc_0000-ED-A-0007] in the UID column.

  11. Click File > Save to save the spreadsheet by renaming it as USER_SPO_DMS.xlsm.

Create document revisions and versions

The following example shows you how to create document revisions and versions for an engineering document:

  1. In the Engineering Document sheet, add a new row in the Engineering Documents Revision section, and type the name and description of the document revision in the Name and Description columns.

  2. In the Revision Scheme column, type the revision scheme details using the [RS_RevisionSchemaName] format. For example, if you type [RS_Rev01A] in the Revision Scheme column, then “01” represents the Major Revision and “A” represents the Minor revision of the document.

  3. In the Master (Rel) column, type the UID of the document master to which the document revision is related.

  4. In the UID column, type the UID of the document revision using the [EngDocRev_DocumentName] format. For example, for an engineering document master "EngDoc_0000-ED-A-0007", you can define the UID for document revision as [EngDocRev_ 0000-ED-A-0007] in the UID column.

  5. To create versions, add a new row in the Engineering Document Versions section, and in the UID column, type the UID of the document version using the [EngDocVer_DocumentName] format. For example, for an engineering document "0000-ED-A-0007" you can type [EngDocVer_0000-ED-A-0007] in the UID column.

  6. In the Data Access Group column, type the Access Group using the [DAG_AccesGroupType] format. For example, if you type, [DAG_OPEN_TO_ALL] then the document version can be accessed by all the users.

  7. Click File > Save to save the renamed spreadsheet.

Attach files to a document

  1. Add a new row in the Files section, and in the Name column, type the file name.

  2. In the SPFLocalDirectory column, type the location where you have saved the file.

  3. In the SPFLocalFileName column, type the file name as saved in the local host computer.

  4. In the SPFLocalHostName column, type the local host computer name.

  5. To attach file to a document version, add a new row in the SPFFileComposition section. In the UID1 column, type the UID of the file, and in the UID2 column, type the UID of the document version. For example, for attaching file to an engineering document, "EngDocVer_0000-ED-A-0007", type [File_EngDoc] in the UID1 column, and [EngDocVer_0000-ED-A-0007] in the UID 2 column.

  6. In the UID column, type the UID for defining relationship between the document version and attached file using the [UID1.UID2] format. In this example, type [FileEngDoc.EngDocVer_0000-ED-A-0007] in the UID column.

  7. Add a new row in the SPFUploadInstructions section, and define the file upload instructions.

  8. Click File > Save to save the renamed spreadsheet.