Workflow templates - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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A workflow template consists of the workflow steps with defined recipients of users or roles. These templates are conditionally made available to manage different classes of object.

Details of the properties and functionality exposed by these interfaces are given in the sections that follow.

  • Interface names prefixed with ISPFTemplate apply to workflow templates.

  • Interface names prefixed with ISPFObject apply to instantiated workflows.

  • Interface names without the above prefixes apply to both workflow templates and instantiated workflows.

ISPFWorkflowPrimary interface

ISPFWorkflowPrimary is the primary interface of the SPFWorkflow class.

ISPFWorkflow interface

ISPFWorkflow is realized by the SPFWorkflow class and is implied by ISPFWorkflowTemplate and ISPFObjectWorkflow.

  • The ISPFWorkflowTemplate is only instantiated on complete workflows.

  • The ISPFObjectWorkflow interface is only realized on instantiated workflows.

The following properties are found on this interface.



Set on


This property provides the option to suppress all email notifications from the workflow.

Template form

Functionality configured on ISPFWorkflow

The methods ViewWorkflow (View Workflow) and WorkflowDetail (Workflow Details) are available on this interface.

SPFWorkflowFirstStep relationship definition

SPFWorkflowFirstStep identifies the first workflow first step in the workflow and is configured on the Create/Update Workflow Template form.

SPFWorkflowWorkflowStep relationship definition

SPFWorkflowWorkflowStep links all the workflow steps to the workflow and is created automatically by the Create Workflow Template form. 

SPFWorkflowStepAppendedWorkflowStep relationship definition

SPFWorkflowStepAppendedWorkflowStep relates the workflow step for the original recipient to the first appended workflow step for the additional recipients.

SPFAppendedWorkflowStepAppendWorkflowTemplate relationship definition

SPFAppendedWorkflowStepAppendWorkflowTemplate relates the first appended workflow step to the appended workflow template.

ISPFWorkflowTemplate interface

ISPFWorkflowTemplate is realized by workflow class and identifies the template.

Functionality configured on ISPFWorkflowTemplate

Commands Copy, Terminate, Edit, and Export are configured on this interface.

The Copy command will copy the entire template including all the workflow steps and step recipients.

SPFInterfaceDefWorkflowTemplate relationship definition

SPFInterfaceDefWorkflowTemplate identifies which objects can use this workflow by linking the template to one of its interfaces

For example, if interface definition ISPFFolder is linked to workflow1, any item which instantiates ISPFFolder may be put down workflow1.

SPFWorkflowTemplateCondition relationship definition

SPFItemWorkflow links a condition to the workflow definitions. This is the entry condition for the workflow that must evaluate against the object for it to go down the workflow.

ISPFTransmittalWorkflow interface

This identifies the workflow as being for a transmittal.

SPFWorkflowXmtlIssueStep relationship definition

SPFWorkflowXmtlIssueStep is used for transmittals only. Transmittal workflows have one and only one issue step and this relationship is used to identify that step. See Distribution matrix configuration for more details.

ISPFWorkflowStepPrimary interface

ISPFWorkflowStepPrimary is the primary interface of the SPFWorkflowStep class.

ISPFWorkflowStep interface

ISPFWorkflowStep is realized by the SPFWorkflowStep class and is implied by ISPFObjectWorkflowStep. The ISPFObjectWorkflowStep is only realized by instantiated workflows.

  • ISPFWorkflowStep contains the properties common between the template steps and the instantiated steps.

  • There is no interface specific to a workflow template step.

The following properties are found on this interface.



Set on


The percentage of users that must say yes on a voting step to accept it

Accept Step selection form


Sets a check list to mandatory

Template form


The time to complete the step

Recipient form


Identifies that all the recipients must acknowledge receipt

Recipient form


Identifies that all assignees must complete the step

Recipient form


Parallel step expansion indicator


Functionality configured on ISPFWorkflowStep

The methods StepViewWorkflow (View Workflow), StepWorkflowDetail (Workflow Details), and StepWorkflowEdit (Update Workflow) are available on this interface.

SPFWorkflowStepStepDef relationship definition

SPFWorkflowStepStepDef relates the workflow steps to their step definitions and is configured when the step is created on the Workflow Template form.

SPFWorkflowStepSuccessStep relationship definition

SPFWorkflowStepSuccessStep identifies the success route, that is, the path to follow if the step is successful. This is configured on the Workflow Template form. This relationship definition is a specialization of the SPFWorkflowStepWorkflowStep abstract relationship.

SPFWorkflowStepFailureStep relationship definition

SPFWorkflowStepFailureStep identifies the reject route, that is, the path to follow if the step is rejected. If a rejection step is not configured and the step is rejected, it will get the (internal) status RJ and carry on through the workflow. This is configured on the Workflow Template form. This relationship definition is a specialization of the SPFWorkflowStepWorkflowStep abstract relationship.

ISPFWorkflowStepStatus interface

The ISPFWorkflowStepStatus object models workflow statuses that are set on the completion of a step. They are created by the workflow administrator and configured on each step on the Workflow Template form.

Step statuses

  • WF-C Workflows are in progress

  • WF In workflow

  • WF-A Approved in workflow

  • WF-C Workflow completed

  • WF-I Issued in workflow

  • WF-R Rejected in workflow

  • WF-V Voting in workflow

The status is set on an object at the completion of a step.

SPFWorkflowStepSuccessStatus relationship definition

SPFWorkflowSuccessFailureStatus identifies the workflow status to set on step success, that is, the status set if the step is successful. This is configured on the Workflow Template form.

SPFWorkflowStepFailureStatus relationship definition

SPFWorkflowStepFailureStatus identifies the workflow status to set on step failure, that is, the status set if the step is rejected. This is configured on the Workflow Template form.

See also Workflow recipients for SPFWorkflowStepStepRecipient and SPFOriginalWFStepStepRecipient.

See Also

Instantiated workflow