Add a property to CDW Schema - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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2020 (15.0)
  1. Navigate to Smart Community for sample ELF of SCHEMA_SPO.xlsm. For more information, see Find sample data on Smart Community.

  2. Create new or use an existing ELF as designed in the sample sheet for SCHEMA_SPO.xlsm.

  3. Add a new row to the PropertyDef sheet, and define the property Name, UID, Scope By Rel, Exposes Interface Rel and Product, and save the .xlsm file.

  4. Navigate to Smart Community for sample ELF of DATA_CDW.xlsm file. For more information, see Find sample data on Smart Community.

  5. Add a new row to the PDef-PDef sheet, and define the properties UID1, and UID2, and save the .xlsm file.

    UID1 and UID2 represent the authoring property UID and CDW property UID respectively.

Generate .xml files using SANTA

  1. Launch SPO SANTA.

  2. On the Browse tab, click Browse to locate and open the modified SCHEMA_SPO.xlsm file.

  3. Select SPO from the Solution list and select the Schema Editor check box.

  4. Click Generate LoadFiles to generate the .xml file for SCHEMA_SPO.xlsm file.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 to generate load files from modified DATA_CDW.xlsm file.

Load files in SmartPlant Desktop Client

  1. Load the PropertyDef_SPO.xml and PDef-PDef_SPO.xml delta files using the loader.