Navigate client API - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

The Navigate client API is used to configure viewing alternate renditions, as well as viewing markup layers in the Hexagon web-based applications.



Parameter 1

Display mode

Parameter 1 default


Parameter 1 description

If OPEN, the URL will open in a separate browser window. If FRAME, then the URL will open in a client internal frame.

If OPEN and using the FileViewNavigate or ViewNavigateFiles methods in the Web Client, the URL will open in a separate tab.

Parameter 1 type


Parameter 2

Viewer override

Parameter 2 default


Parameter 2 description

If NATIVE, use the native viewer based on Windows file type association. If ALTERNATE, display the alternate rendition. Otherwise, display the file using the incorporated file viewer (or the 3D View Control if the file is a 3D model).

Parameter 2 type


Parameter 3

Display markups

Parameter 3 default


Parameter 3 description

If TRUE, then markups associated with the document will be displayed automatically

This argument is not honored if using the SCLBManageActionMarkupLayers method.

Parameter 3 type


Parameter 4

Revision status for document tags

Parameter 4 default


Parameter 4 description

For drawings that have been processed by the Smart Converter (or Data Capture hotspotted drawings). If the hotspot is a document, then this is used to specify the required revision status of the document to look up. If set to the default value, this returns documents with revision statuses of working or current.

Parameter 4 type


Parameter 5

Show nested references dialog

Parameter 5 default


Parameter 5 description

If True, then the view and markup dialog shows the nested structure of files. Selected references can be viewed along with master file.

Parameter 5 type


Parameter 6

Alternate rendition file types to be viewed

Parameter 6 default


Parameter 6 description

Specifies the alternate rendition file types to be viewed. File type UIDs to be separated by semicolon, for example, FT_pdf;ft_bmp

Parameter 6 type


Parameter 7


Parameter 7 default


Parameter 7 description

Name of the column set. If not set, default is 'CS_CopyToLocalAlternateColumnSet' if parameter 2 is ALTERNATE, otherwise 'CS_CopyToLocalColumnSet'.

Parameter 7 type


Parameter 8


Parameter 8 default


Parameter 8 description

Watermark object name to be used for all the files viewed using the file viewer

Parameter 8 type


Parameter 9


Parameter 9 default


Parameter 9 description

Label object name to be used for all the files viewed in the file viewer

Parameter 9 type


Parameter 10

View alternate renditions

Parameter 10 default


Parameter 10 description

View alternate renditions in the file viewer instead of original file when this flag is checked. In the case of multiple renditions, precedence follows the following parameter.

Parameter 10 type


Parameter 11

Preferred alternate rendition file types

Parameter 11 default


Parameter 11 description

Alternate renditions file type to be viewed. Multiple types can be configured, but the first available in the list will be picked up, for example, FT_pdf/FT_bmp. Precedence goes with the order in which the file types are configured.

Parameter 11 type


Parameter 12

Action item create method, Rendition relationship for Action

Parameter 12 default


Parameter 12 description

UID of the Action item create method using the client API CreateClassObjAndRelFromMarkup. Also used to create a relationship between the Action and the object for Action rendition generation.

Action item create method - used to invoke the create method when creating an action pin.

Rendition relationship for Action - used in conjunction with Action item create method to create a relationship between the action pin and the markup layer and generate a marked-up PDF rendition.

Parameter 12 type


Parameter 13

Interface of hotspotted items

Parameter 13 default


Parameter 13 description

Interface UID used to query hotspotted items

This argument is only required if you are configuring Web Client for a non-ADW database, such as Data Capture.

Parameter 13 type


Parameter 14

Markup context relationship, Rendition relationship

Parameter 14 default


Parameter 14 description

Used to create a relationship with the context object and a relationship between the markup and the object for rendition generation.

Markup context relationship - used to identify the context of the markup and create a relationship between the context object and the markup layer.

Rendition relationship - used in conjunction with Markup context relationship to create a relationship between the rendition object and the context object and generate a marked-up PDF rendition.

This parameter is for use only with HxGN SDx.

Parameter 14 type


Parameter 15

Consider User Preferences Nested reference file level setting

Parameter 15 default


Parameter 15 description

If True, then the view and markup dialog shows the nested structure of files up to the configured user preference nested file level.

Parameter 15 type


Parameter 16

Column set UID for Markup Layer Manager

Parameter 16 default


Parameter 16 description

If set, Markup Layer Manager uses this column set to show layer information.

Parameter 16 type


The following methods use the Navigate client API to configure viewing of alternate renditions, including markup layers.

  • FileViewAlternative

  • FileViewNative

  • FileViewNavigate

  • FileViewThumbnail

  • ViewNativeFiles

  • ViewNavigateFiles

  • ViewThumbnails