Create the SPXAuthoring-SPOPublish mappings - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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After defining the new property in the SCHEMA_SPO.xlsm file, you must add the SPXAuthoring and SPOPublish mappings for the new tag properties in the Tool Map spreadsheet, SPX Tag-ToolMapSchema-SPFMappings.xlsx file.

The following example shows how to add the mappings for the new tag property, “CableCategory” in the SPX Tag-ToolMapSchema-SPFMappings.xlsx file.

Define the PropertyDef mappings (SPMapPropertyDef)

  1. Navigate to Smart Community for sample ELF of SPX Tag-ToolMapSchema-SPFMappings.xlsx file. For more information, see Find sample data on Smart Community.

  2. Open the SPX Tag-ToolMapSchema-SPFMappings.xlsx file, and add a new row in the SPMapPropertyDef section.

  3. Type the new PropertyDef name in the Authoring Property Name column. In this example, type [CableCategory] in the Authoring Property Name column.

  4. Type the interface which this PropertyDef exposes in the Authoring Property Select Criteria column. In this example, type the interface as [ITagCable] in the Authoring Property Select Criteria column.

  5. Type the ClassDef of the tag type in the Authoring ClassDef Exposed By column. In this example, type [SPXTagCable] in the Authoring ClassDef Exposed By column.

  6. Enter the next higher sequence number in the Sequence No. column. In this example, type [182] in the Sequence No. column.

  7. Type the UID in the UID column using the format [SPXClassdef_PropertyName_SequenceNo.]. In this example, type [SPXTagCable_CableCategory_182] in the UID column.

    For example:

    GRAPHIC_Define SPMapPropertyDef

Define the relationship between SPMapPropertyDef and mapped Class (MapClassMapProperties)

  1. Add a new row in the MapClassMapProperties section, and type the ClassDef of the tag type in the UID1 column. In this example, type [SPXTagCable] in the UID1 column.

  2. Type the UID for the PropertyDef as defined in the SPMapPropertyDef section in the UID2 column. In this example, type [SPXTagCable_CableCategory_182] in the UID2 column.

  3. Type the UID in the UID column using the format [UID1.UID2]. In this example, type [SPXTagCable.SPXCable_CableCategory_182] in the UID column.

    For example:


Define the relationship between SPMapPropertyDef and SPOPublish PropertyDefs (MapPropertyToProperty)

  1. Add a new row in the MapPropertyToProperty section, and type the UID of the PropertyDef as defined in the SPMapPropertyDef section in the UID1 column. In this example, type [SPXTagCable_CableCategroy_182] in the UID1 column.

  2. Type the UID for the PropertyDef in the Publish domain to which the PropertyDef in Authoring domain is mapped in the EFSchemaProperty (Publish to) UID column. In this example, type [ICable_CableTypes] in the EFSchema Property (Publish to) UID column.

  3. Type the ClassDef of the tag type in the EFSchemaClassDef (End2MapValue) Exposed By column. In this example, type [SPOCable] in the EFSchemaClassDef (End2MapValue) Exposed By column.

  4. Type the UID in the UID column using the format [UID1.UID2]. In this example, type [SPXTagCable_CableCategory_182.ICable_CableTypes] in the UID column.

    For example:


  5. Click File > Save to save the spreadsheet.