Revisions and versions - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
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Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

A revision is an officially recognized change to a document. Revisions can have major and minor revision numbers associated with them. A version is an intermediate update to an existing document that is tracked by the software. Each revision of a document can have multiple versions.

In the Desktop Client, you typically see the latest version of the document, though you can navigate to other versions or revisions using relationships. Access is provided only to the latest version. Previous versions are superseded when you check in, sign off, or publish a new one. If you need to see a previous version of a document, start by finding the current version. Then use the shortcut menu command Master Relationships > Show All Revisions to navigate to the appropriate revision and the command Revision Relationships > Show All Versions to see a list of all the versions associated with that revision.

For example, a master document MasterDoc might have the following revisions and versions in the Desktop Client, where A and B are revision numbers, and 1 and 3 are version numbers:

Document MasterDoc

  • First Revision [A, 1]

  • Second Revision [B, 3]

When you use the Show Latest Revision command from the document master, the software displays the latest current and working revision of that document.

When you create a document in the Desktop Client, either manually or through publishing a document in an integrated environment, the master document, the first document revision, and the first version are created in the Desktop Client.

When you check out a document to modify it and then check it back in, a new version is created. Using the Revise command on a document creates a new revision. The revision and version are properties on a document revision.

New revisions and versions are also created when documents are published. The document master and first revision are created when the authoring tool user reserves a revision using the Revise command. During the first publish, the first version of the document is created and the published files are related to the version and store in the vault. Subsequent publish operations create additional versions of the document. Using the Revise command in the authoring tool again creates new revision.

When you create, copy, or revise a publishable document in the authoring domain, a revision for that document is automatically reserved in the data warehouse domain. This functionality keeps the revision details in the authoring domain and the data warehouse synchronized for the same revision of a document.

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