Look ahead option - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation Help

SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Is the View > Look Ahead option causing the issue?

With Look Ahead enabled, the shortcut menu is always slower, but the user might notice that it appears particularly slow.

If the system is slower with Look Ahead enabled, there might be a problem with relationship expansions.

  • Are there simply too many relationship expansions?

    Every relationship expansion requires a count in the database, so this slows the display of the shortcut menu. Try using a role with fewer security privileges and fewer relationship expansions and compare the display time. Do not model relationship expansions to navigate to single objects (for example, tag to tag classification) that could be displayed on the Details dialog box unless there is a real need to navigate to that object to perform other actions.

  • Are there edge expansions?

    Every edge must be expanded to count the number of objects on the other end, and this process can be time consuming. Try removing the edges to see if the performance improves.

An option is available to display the timings for the shortcut menu relationship and edge displays. This feature is enabled by setting the debug level value to 2 in the settings.xml file located in [drive]:\Program Files (x86)\SmartPlant\Foundation\SPFDesktopClient. After the feature is turned on using the debug setting, enable Look Ahead and open the shortcut menu. The display times are indicated for each relationship.