PipeLine and Line List Records Consolidation - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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The following diagram illustrates many-to-one (M:1), one-to-many (1:M) and many-to-many mappings that are possible between P&ID pipe runs and P3D pipe runs and the corresponding CDW pipe run objects.


The P&ID and 3D pipeline objects contain single values for the defined properties of a pipeline whereas the LLA and CDW pipelines contain string values for the composite properties with multiple values and single value.

Line List Adapter (LLA) publishes the line list records with properties related to a pipeline. When the line list record documents are published:

  • The pipeline tags are consolidated to CDW pipeline automatically based on the delivered map files.

  • Line list records are not consolidated to CDW but rolls up their information to the CDW pipeline.

Rollup is the grouping together of a set of line list records into a single pipeline related to those line list records. All properties of a pipeline that are rolled up are displayed as composite properties (comma separated values) in the CDW domain. Composite properties are always declared as strings. The properties that are rolled up from the published line list records to CDW pipelines are hard-coded.

Roll-up property logic for pipeline

Rolling up includes identifying all unique values (values that are not defined are not counted), sorting these values either in an ascending or descending order and then combining the unique values using any delimiter (typically would be a comma followed by a blank). The numeric values must be sorted in decreasing order (largest to smallest) and alphanumeric values in ascending order (A to Z) as part of the roll-up logic. UoM values must be considered as numeric values and enumerated values as alphanumeric strings.

The following are the mapped properties and interfaTable Inside ces between published line list records and CDW pipelines. Using the following mapped data that is hard-coded, the line list records are rolled-up to a related pipelines automatically.

Mapping between non-composite and composite interfaces and their properties

The non-composite properties on LLALineListRecord are mapped to the composite properties on SPXCDWTagPipeline as followed:

Interface mappings

Interface properties mappings

ICoatedItem > IMTRCDWCoatedComposite

CoatingRequirement > MTRCDWCompositeCoatingRequirement1

ICleanedItem > IMTRCDWCleanedComposite

CleaningRqmt > MTRCDWCompositeCleaningReqmt

ICleanedItem > ISPFCDWPaintedItem

PaintingResponsibility > MTRCDWCompositeCoatingPaintResponsibility

IFlushedItem > IMTRCDWFlushedComposite

FlushMediaName > MTRCDWCompositeFlushMediaName

IHeatTracedItem > IMTRCDWHeatTracedComposite

HTraceRqmt > MTRCDWCompositeHTraceRqmt

IMTRCommon > IMTRCDWCommon

MTRConstructionArea > MTRCDWConstructionArea

MTRLocation > MTRCDWLocation

MTRInstallationDate > MTRCDWCompositeInstallationDate

IInsulatedItem > IMTRCDWInsulatedComposite

SPFCDWInsulPurpose1 > MTRCDWCompositeInsulationPurpose1

InsulCompositeMatl > MTRCDWCompositeInsulationCompositeMatl

InsulPurpose1 > MTRCDWCompositeInsulationPurpose1

TotalInsulThick > MTRCDWCompositeInsulationThickness

InsulSpec > MTRCDWCompositeInsulSpec

IPipingSpecifiedItem and IMTRCDWPipingSpecifiedComposite > IMTRCDWPipingComposite

PipingMaterialsClass > MTRCDWCompositePipingMaterialsClass

IPressureDropItem > IMTRCDWPressureDropComposite

PressureDrop > MTRCDWCompositePressureDrop

IPipeCrossSectionItem and IProcessWettedItem > IMTRCDWPipingComposite

NominalDiameter > MTRCDWCompositePipingNominalDiameter

CorrosionAllowance > MTRCDWCompositePipingMinAllowCorrosThick

INormalDgnPoint > IMTRCDWProcessDgnComposite

NormDesignTempMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessDgnTempMin

NormDesignTempMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessDgnTempMax

NormDesignPressMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessDgnPressMin

NormDesignPressMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessDgnPressMax

OperatingPressure > MTRCDWCompositeProcessDgnPressNorm

ISPXCDWTaggedItem > IMTRCDWPurchasedComposite

SPXCDWTaggedItem_InstallationDate > MTRCDWCompositePurchasedInstallationDate

ITestedItem > IMTRCDWTestedComposite

Test_FluidSystem > MTRCDWCompositeTestFluidSystem

TestingMaxPressure > MTRCDWCompositeTestMaxPressure

ISuppliedItem > IMTRCDWSuppliedComposite

SupplyResponsibility > MTRCDWCompositeSupplyResponsibilty

IFluidSystem > ISPFCDWFluidSystem

FluidCode > SPFCDWFluidCode

INamedPipingConnector > ISPFCDWNamedPipingConnector

PipingConnectorSeqNo > SPFCDWPipingConnectorSeqNo

ILineListRecord > IMTRCDWPipelineRels

ConsolidatedDocuments > MTRCDWPIDs

The location property published from MTR is displayed as MTR Location in the Properties window. This property is common to all seven registers in MTR. If you publish the location property from Smart P&ID, then it is displayed as Instrument Location in the Properties window. The Instrument Location property is not included in the MTR Instrument Handover register.

IMTRCDWProcessComposite Properties

The properties on the IMTRCDWProcessComposite interface definition are defined by rolling up properties from the Line List Record.

Interface mappings

Interface properties mappings

IBulkNormProcessPoint > IMTRCDWProcessComposite

PhaseTemperatureNorm > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperTempNorm

PressureNorm > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperPressNorm

MaterialBulkPhaseNorm > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperFluidState*

MassDensityNorm > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperGasDensity**

ViscosityNorm > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperGasViscosity**

MassDensityNorm > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperLiquidDensity***

ViscosityNorm > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperLiquidViscosity***

CompressibilityNorm > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperFluidCompressibility****

MassFlowRateNorm/MassDensityNorm > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperVolFlowRate*****

IBulkMinProcessPoint > IMTRCDWProcessComposite

PhaseTemperatureMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperTempMin

PressureMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperPressMin

MaterialBulkPhaseMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperFluidState*

MassDensityMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperGasDensity**

ViscosityMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperGasViscosity**

MassDensityMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperLiquidDensity***

ViscosityMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperLiquidViscosity***

CompressibilityMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperFluidCompressibility****

MassFlowRateMin/MassDensityMin > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperVolFlowRate*****

IBulkMaxProcessPoint > IMTRCDWProcessComposite

PhaseTemperatureMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperTempMax

PressureMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperPressMax

VelocityAtMaxFlow > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperVelocityAtMaxFlow

MaterialBulkPhaseMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperFluidState*

MassDensityMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperGasDensity**

ViscosityMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperGasViscosity**

MassDensityMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperLiquidDensity***

ViscosityMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperLiquidViscosity***

CompressibilityMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperFluidCompressibility***

MassFlowRateMax/MassDensityMax > MTRCDWCompositeProcessOperVolFlowRate******




Property value of a roll-up from different properties on different interfaces.


Property value of a roll-up from different properties on different interfaces, and the property applies only if the corresponding fluid state is “V” (vapor/gas) (UID=EE450).


Property value is the result of a roll-up from different properties on different interfaces, and property only applies if corresponding fluid state is “L” (liquid) (UID=EE44F).


Property value of a roll-up from different properties on different interfaces, and property only applies if the fluid state is single phase “V” (vapor/gas) (UID=EE450) or “L” (liquid) (UID=EE44F).


Property value is the result of a roll-up of dividing mass flow rate by mass density. If UoM of a mass density and mass flow rate are same in both numerators then the result is a UoM value wihere the denominator of the mass density is considered as a numerator and denominator of the mass flow rate is considered as a denominator. (eg. If flow rate = “100 g/s” and density is 20 g/cm^3, then 100 g/s result = “5 cm^3/s).

If mass UoM in both numerators is not same, then the default SI UoM for both the properties are compared to check if the numerators are same. Then the SI values will be used for determining the property value (for example, If flow rate = “10000 g/s” and density is “0.002 kg/cm^3”), and the values will be converted to their default SI values. Flow rate = “10 kg/s” and density = “2000 kg/m^3”. The numerator matches now. So, then volume flow rate = 0.005 m^3/s.

If the numerator of the default SI UoMs do not match, then result = 5000000 g*cm^3/s*kg.

Volume flow rate result will be rounded off to 3 decimal places.