Creating your own CDW schema - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 48 - Help - Hexagon

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When you create a custom CDW class definition, you can choose either of the following two approaches:

  • Create all new interfaces and relationship definitions for your CDW class definitions.

  • Reuse those delivered in the SmartPlant schema, whenever possible and appropriate.

Reusing the delivered interface and relationship definitions helps keep the schema small and reduces the amount of work you must do. The new CDW class definitions simply realize their own unique primary interfaces and the desired SmartPlant schema interfaces.

As each SmartPlant schema interface is realized, it automatically adds all the exposed properties and relationship definitions configured from that interface. These can be excluded from the mapping, but care is needed. If any of these are required properties or required relationships, they will need mapping to ensure that there are populated.

CDW users will have access to navigating the integration relationship definitions if they are reused in the CDW schema.

Creating new CDW schema objects

If you do not want your CDW class definitions to reuse the existing SmartPlant Foundation interfaces and properties, you can create your own. While this approach will allow you to have full control over which properties or relationships are exposed, it will also result in larger schema files and more work.

This approach is recommended, as it gives far greater control over the exposure of relationship and property definitions.

CDW mapping

Any properties or relationships that will be consolidated from published objects to the CDW objects require mapping, as does the CDW model. The following components of the model require mapping:

  • ClassDefToClassDef

  • InterfaceDefToInterfaceDef

  • RelDefToRelDef

  • PropertyDefToPropertyDef

This mapping must be created in xml load files. It is relatively straight forward, especially if it is 1:1 mapping to the SmartPlant Schema interfaces.

New CDW domain group

A new CDW domain group is delivered with the CDW sample database, part of the CDW consolidated load file, but a sample of the XML used to create it is provided below:


    <IObject UID="DG_CDW" Name="CDW"/>


    <ISPFDomainGroup SPFTablePrefix="CDW"/>

    <ISPFSubscribableItem />


A new relationship associating the CDW domain to the new CDW domain group is delivered with the CDW sample database, part of the CDW consolidated load file, but a sample of the XML used to create it is provided below:


    <IObject UID="CDW.CDW"/>

    <IRel UID1="DG_CDW" UID2="CDW" DefUID="SPFDomainGroupDomain"/>
