Slabs are listed by priority with properties such as name, layer type, and material information. Totals are calculated for thickness, weight and net surface area.
[Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Structure\Slab Material Take-Off\Slab Material Take-Off.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Item #Slab::ItemNum#
Name #Slab::Name#
Priority #Slab::Priority#
Slab Type #Slab::SlabType#
Slab Composition #Slab::SlabComposition#
Layer Type #Slab::LayerType#
Material Type #Slab::MaterialType#
Material Grade #Slab::MaterialGrade#
Thickness #FormattingUOM::{Thickness}#
#Slab::[outStructure Slab Thickness]#
Net Volume #FormattingUOM::{NetVolume}#
#Slab::[outStructure Slab Volume]#
Weight (3D Geometry Method) #FormattingUOM::{Weight}#
#Slab::[outStructure Slab Dry Weight]#
Net Surface Area #FormattingUOM::{NetSurfaceArea}#
#Slab::[outStructure Linear Member Net Surface Area]#
Net Projected Area #FormattingUOM::{NetProjectedArea}#
#Slab::[outStructure Linear Member Net Projected Surface Area]#
Total Projected Area #FormattingUOM::{TotalProjectedArea}#
#Slab::[outStructure Linear Member Total Projected Surface Area]#