Compare Tab (Item Properties Dialog Box) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Sets comparison options for the selected item in the Design Layout window in Excel. These options apply to differential reports.

Compare Attributes

Enables the controls on this tab.

Identity Attributes


Lists properties used as identifiers of rows. The software uses identifiers to check to see if rows in the baseline report and the current report match. If the rows have different identifiers, then the rows were deleted or added. If the rows have the same identifier, then the row was modified.

You can move properties back and forth between the boxes by using the arrow keys in the middle.

Identity Attributes

Lists properties used as identifiers of rows.



Lists properties compared between the two reports to determine if differences exist between matched rows. You can move properties back and forth between the boxes by using the arrow keys in the middle.

Scope Attributes

Lists properties compared between the two reports.


Display Deleted?

Displays deleted rows on the report. Deleted rows are in the baseline report but not in the current report.

Deleted Location?

Specifies the location on the report where the deleted rows display. The location can be the top of the report, the bottom of the report, or in-line (between other rows).

Display Modified?

Displays modified rows on the report. Modified rows can either be old or new. Old rows are from the baseline report. New rows are from the current report.

Added Location?

Specifies the location on the report where the added rows display. The location can be the top of the report, the bottom of the report, or in-line (between other rows).


Output attribute name

Specifies the header text for the attribute that shows the difference flags. The following table shows the flags and their meanings.




The row is not in the baseline report but is in the current report.


The row is in the baseline report but not in the current report.


One or more of the compared attributes in this row are different between the baseline and the current reports. The row is from the baseline report.


One or more of the compared attributes in this row are different between the baseline and the current reports. The row is from the current report.


The row is the same in the baseline and current reports.

Is Locked?

Specifies whether the attributes are locked or not. You can lock cells to prevent changes. For more information about locking cells and protecting data, see the Microsoft Excel Help.

All attributes specified as comparison identifiers must be used for grouping. If you have differences between the attributes chosen in the Attributes used for grouping field of the Group tab and the attributes chosen in the Identity fields on the Compare tab, an error message displays.

See Also

Item Properties Dialog Box