Reports the history of end-user VUE actions (3D Model Data, S3DtoSPRDirect, and so forth). This enables you to monitor the VUE extraction occurrences based on the user who initiated it, the machine, the date and time, and the attempted action.
New report templates are delivered to the SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\smartplant review\S3D VUE Extraction Control Data folder.
You can add returned properties available in the S3D VUE Extraction Control Data.rqe file to report more drawing properties.
To add returned properties, make sure that the SourceType path starts from IJDDwgSheet2 or IJDDWGSnapIn2.
Report Parameters
Starting Date (UTC)
Ending Date (UTC)
Extended Query
Accepts an XPath syntax string. The default is VUE_HISTORY.
Query Interpreter
Returns data from the VUE extraction history. The VUE_HISTORIES schema is defined in the SharedContent\Reports\Components for Reports\Template Schemas\VUEHistory.xsd file. This query interpreter is used in the S3D VUE Extraction Control Data.rqe file.
ProgID: "DwgReportsQI,DwgReportsQI.CVUEExtractionHistory"
Returned Properties
ObjectID,of drawing sheet or component.
Model location.
UTC time, formatted as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
Parameter of the 3D Model Data drawing.
Parameter of 3D Model Data drawing or Coordinate system for the S3DtoSPRDirect report.
Parameter of 3D Model Data drawing or Output file path for the S3DtoSPRDirect report.
Parameter of 3D Model Data drawing or Report settings path for the S3DtoSPRDirect report.
Specifies whether the user is in the VUE Export PG permission group.
The Extended Query parameter accepts an XPath syntax string. You can use the examples in the delivered VUEHistory.xsd to create any query string other than Date.
Return all actions for a user:
VUE_HISTORY[USER_NAME = 'user name']
Return all actions that were not triggered by a user who is not in the VUE Export PG permission group:
Return all SPRDirect report actions:
Return all SPRDirect report actions triggered by a user with permission:
You can create your own extended queries using VUEHistory.xsd and XPath syntax.
Error Messages
No VUE Extraction control data in the model:
The Extended Query string is incorrect:
The software encountered an error during SelectNodes: