Report Parameters dialog - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Specifies parameters for a report deliverable, such as units of measure and coordinate systems.

This dialog only displays when you run a report that requires parameter input. In addition, the controls on this dialog may vary, depending on the report definition. See Design Layout in the Reports Help.

Unit of Measure

Sets the units of measure for the report.


Specifies information about the coordinate system. See Unit of Measure dialog (Label Editor) in the Common Help.

  • For some reports, several dialogs requiring report parameters display. The dialogs take the form of a wizard with Back, Next, and Finish at the bottom.

  • The query you set up for running a report can generate dialogs that prompt for certain report parameters. In this way, your query can customize the report creation.