Formatting tab (Report Template Editor Dialog) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

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Formats the results of queries for reports. This tab allows you to place attributes on an Excel sheet in the layout that you want. You can have only one Formatting tab for each report template.

Design Layout

Opens an Excel window in which you can drag and drop formatting parameters within the report layout. In the Design Layout window in Excel, the Formatting Parameters are shown in the Report hierarchy. You click and drag to place the formatting parameters in the report layout window. For more information, see Design Layout.


Specifies a name for the formatting template. This field is read-only. You can change the name of the report formatting (.rfm) when you use Save Report Template As. For more information, see Save Report Template As (File Menu).


Describes the formatting template. When you change the format description in the Report Template Editor, the description is updated in the report .rfm file.

Layout Template

Displays the name of the Excel template used for the layout of the report.

See Also

Create a new report template from an existing template
Report templates
Edit a report template
Report Template Editor