Electrical Cableway Fill Sorted by Key Hanger Name (Electrical) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Cable is listed by name with corresponding key hanger name.  It shows position and length information, raceway information and several area calculations. Percent full also displays.

[Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Electrical\Cableway Fill Sorted by Key Hanger Name\Cableway Fill Sorted by Key Hanger Name.rtp

Plant Name #Plant::Name#

User #FormattingField::{UserName}#

Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#

Cable Name  #Cable::Cable Name#

Hanger Name  #Cable::Hanger Name#

X-Position (m)  #Cable::LocationX#

Y-Position (m)  #Cable::LocationY#

Z-Position (m)  #Cable::LocationZ#

Length (m)  #Cable::Length#

No. of Cables  #Cable::No. Cables at Hanger#

Total Wire Area (m²)  #Cable::Total Wire Area#

Raceway Trade Size  #Cable::Raceway Trade Size#

Total Traverse Area (m²)  #Cable::Total Traverse Area#

Allowable Traverse Area (m²)  #Cable::Allowable Traverse Area#

Available Traverse Area (m²)  #Cable::Available Traverse Area#

Raceway Fill Status  #Cable::Fill Status#

Percent Full  #Cable::Percent Full#