Valves are listed in material take-off form with NPD's, quantities and supply responsibilities.
[Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Piping\Valves Material Take-Off in WBS Project\Valves Material Take-Off in WBS Project.rtp
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Project #Valves::ProjectName#
Nominal Size
1 #Valves::[outPiping Valves NPD with Unit Primary]#
2 #Valves::[outPiping Valves NPD with Unit Secondary]#
Specification #Valves::[Specification]#
Item Code #Valves::ContractorCommodityCode#
Description #Valves::[Description]#
Quantity #Valves::TotalQuantity#
OFM / CFM #Valves::[SupplyResponsibility]#