Marine reports - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Smart 3D Version

The Spreadsheet Report component allows you to define report templates and create report deliverables. Marine mode reports are delivered with the product. In the Drawings and Reports task, you can create new reports, modify existing reports, and test run the reports before making them available to everyone

You can run reports from nearly all of the Smart 3D tasks using the Tools > Run Report command. You can find more information on this command in the Common User's Guide available from Help > Printable Guides.

Working with Marine Reports

Marine mode reports are delivered in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports folders:

  • ShipDrawings - Contains report templates specific to Drawings by Rules and other drawing types.

  • StrucManufacturing - Lists reports specific to structural manufacturing.

  • ShipStructure - Provides reports for ship structure items.

You can use the delivered reports as they are or you can modify them to meet your requirements using the Report Template Editor.

For information on working with the reports associated with a Drawings by Rule component, see the Orthographic Drawings User's Guide.

See Also

Reports Workflow
Report Templates
Create and update a delivered report
Reports Common Tasks
Report Template Editor