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Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
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The actual design of a report layout is done within Microsoft Excel. You access this functionality by clicking Design Layout on the Formatting tab of the Report Template Editor.

The report Design Layout displays within Excel, allowing you to configure properties associated with the layout of the report. You can use Excel commands to modify the layout as necessary, adding color or other graphical definition to make the report meet your corporate standards. You can change the header information, drag and drop additional fields or parameters onto the report, and change the organization of the attributes. The items shown in the Design Layout window represent the query content and format definition of the report, while the spreadsheet window shows the report layout.

You can edit the properties of the report by right-clicking the Report node at the top of the Design Layout hierarchy. You can also edit the properties for report items by right-clicking them. For more information on setting report level properties, see Properties (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel).

To modify the report formatting parameters, select an item in the Design Layout hierarchy Formatting Parameters folder and click-and-drag it to the appropriate position in the report template. You can add customized attributes to your report by right-clicking the User Defined item in the Design Layout hierarchy and selecting Properties on the shortcut menu. The Define User Item dialog displays so you can add, modify, or delete attributes that you must define before the report runs. For more information, see Define User Item Dialog Box.

Other commands that may prove helpful in layout of a report are the Expand All and Collapse All commands. For more information, see Expand All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel) and Collapse All (Shortcut Menu in Microsoft Excel).

When you are finished modifying the design layout, save your changes and close Excel.

To optimize report generation, save the Excel template in Normal view layout.

After you make changes to a template, you can test the template by using the Update Document(s) or Update Now command.

See Also

Formatting tab (Report Template Editor Dialog)
Add sheets to a report template
Embed labels in a report