Issue request documents - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Before you can publish documents, you must ensure that your computer is configured properly. The configuration includes installing the SmartPlant Client and the SmartPlant Schema Component, and then registering the model with the SmartPlant Registration Wizard. See the Intergraph Smart 3D Installation Help. Information about the steps involving the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client are available in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client Help.

This functionality is only available in project mode. It is not supported in integration mode.

You must use the SmartPlant > Retrieve command in the Common task to import published data.

  1. Right-click a component and select Publish. The Publish dialog displays.

    If the Publish command is not available on the shortcut menu for the component or document, check the document properties and make sure that the documents are up-to-date. See Set properties for publishing and sharing documents.

  2. Select the Issue Request tab.

  3. In the Issue to field, select the contract that you want to assign the document or documents.

  4. Under Selected documents, select the documents that you want to associate with the specified contract.

  5. Select Add to add the documents to the Issue Request list. To remove documents from the list, select them and select Remove. Select Engineering Tools to add documents from engineering tools, such as P&IDs or PFDs. Select File System to add documents from another file system, such as Microsoft Word documents or Microsoft Excel workbooks.

  6. Select OK to issue the contract request for the selected documents.

  7. Start SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client on your computer and search for the published document to verify the publishing process.

  8. Right-click the document in the Desktop Client tree view and select Refresh.

  9. Return to the Drawings and Reports task and update the document to incorporate the new Issue information..

  10. Review the issue properties. Right-click the document and select Properties. Select the Issue tab to see the Issue information. You can also open the document to see the Issue information in the title block if you added it.

  11. Publish the document with the updated Issue information. See Publishing documents.

  • Only updated documents can be published.

  • You can verify the publishing process by starting the SmartPlant Client on your computer and searching for the published document.

See also

Publish documents to SmartPlant Foundation