Conditional drawing update - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Before updating a drawing, Smart 3D ensures necessary information is present before changing the existing drawing document. If any of the following conditions are true before the update process begins, the software displays an error message that lists the missing items, and makes no changes to the drawing. If any of the following conditions are true after the update process begins, the drawing update process stops, changes to an error status (), and Smart 3D preserves the previous state of the drawing document to avoid any data loss.

Reference data conditions

  • View style cannot be found.

    • Graphic preparation rule cannot be found.

    • Graphic rule cannot be found.

    • Label rule cannot be found.

    • Dimension rule cannot be found.

    • North arrow rule cannot be found.

    • Matchline rule cannot be found.

    • View rule cannot be found.

  • View style filter cannot be found.

  • Emptyvw.sha file cannot be found.

  • Styles.sha file cannot be found.

Model data conditions

  • Associated volume cannot be found.

  • Associated coordinate system cannot be found.

Memory conditions

  • Not enough available memory to begin the update process.

  • Not enough available memory to complete the update process after it has started.

  • Failure conditions found before the update process can be viewed in the drawings log.

  • Failure conditions found during the update process can be viewed when you right-click a drawing and select View Log.

  • Failure conditions are not logged when the Update Command is used on a drawing view. You must use the Update Now Command in either the Drawing Console or Drawings and Reports task to save the error(s) to the log.

  • If an orphan view (a view that exists in the model database without a corresponding view) exists, it is removed from the database and a description of the error is logged in the drawings log file in <Temp Folder>\Logs.