Creates a report of cabling fill sorted by the cableway elements to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
It is located in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Electrical\Cabling Fill Sorted by Cableway Element folder.
Identifies the XML code used to define the report.
Plant Name #Plant::Name#
User #FormattingField::{UserName}#
Date #FormattingField::{DateTime}#
Cable Name #Cable::Cable Name#
Route Element #Cable::Route Element#
X-Position (m) #Cable::LocationX#
Y-Position (m) #Cable::LocationY#
Z-Position (m) #Cable::LocationZ#
Length (m) #Cable::Length#
No. of Cables #Cable::No. Cables in Segment#
Total Wire Area (m2) #Cable::Total Wire Area#
Raceway Trade Size #Cable::Raceway Trade Size#
Total Traverse Area (m2) #Cable::Total Traverse Area#
Allowable Traverse Area (m2) #Cable::Allowable Traverse Area#
Available Traverse Area (m2) #Cable::Available Traverse Area#
Raceway Fill Status #Cable::Fill Status#
Percent Full #Cable::Percent Full#