Save As command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Smart 3D Version

Saves drawings and reports as specified file types to an external location, such as a share on another server. This command is not available until you generate drawings for at least one of the structures in the hierarchy. This command saves only the structures that contain drawings or reports. You can save multiple file types based on the types of documents available. You can specify the target file type for each drawing type you want to save.

To save the hierarchy as a package, right-click the folder and select the Save Package command on the right-click menu.

The software generates images when you set the Render Mode to Vector + Raster, and then update the drawing. To use these software-generated images in another location, you must place them in the same folder as the other structures in your drawing package. See View Style Properties dialog in the Drawings and Reports Reference Data Help.

Save As dialog