Lists available catalog locations to which you can copy your report template.
If you select the New folder in the hierarchy, the Delete and Rename buttons are enabled. When you select an existing catalog folder, most of the buttons
on the dialog toolbar are disabled.
Creates a new folder named New Folder under the selected item in the hierarchy. You can rename the folder or keep the name.
Deletes the selected report template, if you have the correct permissions. A warning message displays. You cannot undo a delete action after it is accepted.
Renames the selected report template, if you have the correct permissions.
Displays the properties for the selected report template.
List View
Displays the catalog report hierarchy on the left and the report documents on the right.
Detail View
Displays the catalog report hierarchy on the left side and a detailed grid view of the report documents on the left.
Permission Group
Shows the catalog permissions for the selected folder or report document.
Shows the name of the report being copied to the catalog.