Diagnostic Clean Database Issues (Diagnostic) - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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Objects, along with their first relations, are listed with various error properties.

[Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Diagnostic\Diagnostic Clean Database Issues\Diagnostic Clean Database Issues.rtp

Plant Name  #Plant::Name#

User  #FormattingField::{UserName}#

Date  #FormattingField::{DateTime}#

Name (Or Class Name) – Name of the object in error.  If the object does not have a name or has been deleted, the class username is provided.  #Error::ObjectName#

First Relations – Displays the first relations of the object in error.  If the object does not exist except in a relationship, you can identify it by using the userclass name of the objects on the other side of the relationship.   #Error::First Relations#

DataStore – Displays the object where the error is found.  Values include:  Site, Model, and Catalog.   #Error::DataStore#

In Todo List – Specifies if the object in error has a To Do record associated with it.  #Error::InToDoList#

State – Displays the object in error.  Values include:  Active, Deleted, and Not found.  #Error::State#

Approval – Displays the status of the object in error.  Values include: Working, In Review, Rejected, and Approved.  #Error::ApprovalStatus#

OID – The Unique Indentifier (in space and time)of the object in error.  #Error::OID#

Permission Group – Displays the group where in object was last modified.  #Error::PermissionGroup#

Date Created - Creation date of the object in error.  #Error::ObjectDateCreated#

Date Modified – Last modification date of the object in error.  #Error::ObjectDateModified#

Date Deleted – Displays the date the object was deleted.  Values include:  Approval, PG, Date created, and Modified are Nulls.  #Error::DeletedDate#

Deleted by – Displays the name of the person who deleted the object in error.  #Error::DeletedBy#

Application – Displays the name of the application that reported and qualified the error.  #Error::ApplicationUserName#

Owner – Displays the name of the owner of the object in error.  #Error::ClassOwnerApplication#

Status – Displays the status of the error.  Values include: New, Existing, No longer exists, and Fixed.   #Error::Status#

Severity – Displays the severity of the error.  Values include:  Fatal, Crucial, High, and Normal.   #Error::Severity#

Date Created – Date the error was created.   #Error::ErrorDateCreated#

Date Updated – Displays the last modification date of the error.   #Error::ErrorDateModified#

Action to take – Values include:  No Action and To be Removed.  #Error::ActionToTake#

Problem Description – Displays a description of the error.  #Error::ProblemDescription#