Search folder filters - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
Search by Category
Smart 3D Version

Search folders use filters to specify how the component identifies the documents to include in the search folder. You can use Drawings and Reports object properties to define filters when creating search folder components. This allows you to search for documents based on common properties such as out-of-date status, approval, or documents that have been published to a certain contract in integrated environment.

When you run the Setup command on a search folder, you can create filters that check for specific drawing or report object properties.

The following examples show how you might create filters to search for specific drawing object properties:

Basic drawing document properties - Title, Area, and Signature

You can use the Drawing Sheet object and its properties to look for properties associated with the drawing documents. The following procedure shows how to access the Title, Area, and Signature properties on the drawing and report documents.

  1. On the Properties tab of the Filter Properties dialog, select More in the Property field to display the Select Properties dialog.

  2. Under Object type used as the basis for the property identification, select Drawing Sheets.

  3. Under Relationship, select Direct Properties of Object Type.

    You can now search the documents for specified properties under Select one or more properties. For example, you can search specifically for the Date Created value on the documents.

Issue or Revision properties

To search specifically for issue or revision properties on the drawing sheet or drawing component, set the Relationship to Drawing Sheet (or Drawing Component) to Drawing Issues or Drawing Sheet (or Drawing Component) to Drawing Revisions when setting the filter properties.

Baseline, style, Smart 3D, or custom attribute properties

To search specifically for baseline, style, Smart 3D, or custom attribute properties, set the Relationship to Drawing Sheet to Drawing Child Properties, and set Related object type to Drawing Child Properties.

See also

Setup dialog (Search Folder)