Specify columns in the detail view - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Smart 3D Version
  1. Right-click a column heading in the Detail View. The shortcut menu shows the currently displayed columns with a checkmark .

  2. Add and remove columns automatically by checking and unchecking them on the shortcut menu.

  3. To modify the appearance and order of the columns, click More on the shortcut menu.

  4. On the Column Settings dialog, select the columns you want to include in the Detail View. Clear, or uncheck, the ones you do not want to include. You can also use the Show and Hide buttons to add and remove columns.

  5. To change the order of the columns, click Move Up and Move Down on the Column Settings dialog.

  6. Specify the width of a column by selecting it and typing an integer in the Width of selected column box. You can also resize columns by dragging the edge of the column in the Detail View.

See also

Interface overview
Management Console command
Refresh command (View menu)
Menus and toolbars
Column Settings dialog