Query Parameters Designer Dialog - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Smart 3D Version

This dialog is accessible in both the Catalog task and the Drawings and Reports task.

In both tasks, you first select a label with query parameters (a SQL label) on the Label Editor dialog box. For more information, see Label Editor command. Then, click in the Properties area to display the Query Parameters Designer dialog.

You can also view this dialog if you edit a report template with query parameters in Drawings and Reports.


Provides an internal name for the parameter.


Specifies an index number for the parameter. This number provides a mapping between the prompt that displays at runtime and the query syntax. The reason for this number is the SQL/ADO limitation of positional parameters only.


Provides a caption for the parameter at runtime.

Prompt Category

Specifies the category of prompt for the query parameter.

Prompt Type

Specifies the type of prompt. This list is based on your selection under Prompt Category.

SQL Data Type

Specifies a data type available in the SQL query language.

Default Value

Defines the default value for the parameter.


Specifies whether or not the parameter displays on the report.

You can move the parameters up and down in the list on the dialog box by clicking Move Up and Move Down.