Save as a Spreadsheet Report - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
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You can save report files to disk so that the reports can be published to a SmartPlant Foundation server via the Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher application. Use the SmartPlant Foundation (*.xml) target file type to save the report and generate .xml files in either integrated or non-integrated environments.

  1. Before you use the Save As command, you must define the Discipline property for your documents:

    1. In the Management Console, right-click an item in the hierarchy, and then select the Properties command on the shortcut menu.

    2. Go to the WBS tab (Properties dialog), and set the Discipline property. If your model has been registered using the SmartPlant Registration Wizard, this also adds the Publish command to the right-click menu for the selected document or documents.

  2. Select a spreadsheet report or a folder containing the report files. You can select multiple reports by holding CTRL or SHIFT and clicking each item.

  3. Right-click your selection, then select Save As to display the Save As Dialog.

  4. Specify the Output Folder Rule to use. You can save the item as it displays in the Console, with its parent folder appended or with the entire model hierarchy appended.

  5. Specify the File Already Exists Action to use. This determines how you save a file that has the same name as an existing file. Select Overwrite to replace the existing file, or select Save As filename (n) to save the file separately.

  6. Specify the Output Folder location.

  7. For Component Type, select Spreadsheet Reports, and in the Target File Type lists, select SmartPlant Foundation (*.xml).

  8. Click OK to save the files as specified. The software generates a <Report Name> .xls file, an .xml data file, and an .xml metadata file. The data .xml file is named ToolData_<Report Name>. The metadata file is named MetaData_<Report Name>.

You can now add the generated .xls in Intergraph Smart® Interop Publisher as a Smart Document, and then publish to SmartPlant Foundation. Smart Interop Publisher requires all generated report files (.xls and .xml) to be located in the same folder location for translation and publishing. For more information about Smart Documents and publish capabilities, refer to the Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher Help.