Batch Local Update command - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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Allows you to update documents locally while you continue to work on other tasks. This command is available when you right-click on a single drawing. The command triggers a local background update against the drawing document.

See Manage batch jobs for information on viewing and managing current batch jobs.

  • Before using Batch > Local Update for 3D model data documents, you must Set surface styles and aspects for 3D model data documents as needed.

  • The default timeout value for updating documents through the Batch Server is 40 minutes. See Style tab (Properties dialog) for information on setting the Batch timeout (in minutes) property on a drawing document.

  • You cannot process more than one batch local update at a time. If you attempt to process a second batch local update, an error message displays. See Updating documents.

  • If the software cannot make a SmartPlant Foundation server connection when you use the Batch > Update command for 3D model data documents, you are prompted to provide a valid login and password.

See also

Updating documents
Batch Processing commands