Creates a report of liner thickness data to be used for review and approval of the reference data in your catalog.
Unit of Measure inputs are required when running this delivered report.
It is located in the [Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Catalog Engineering Checks\Piping\Lines Thickness Data folder.
Index tab
Worksheet Name
Liner Thickness Data tab
Lining Material #LTD::LiningMaterial#
Geometry Industry Standard #LTD::GeometricIndustryStandard#
Nominal Piping Diameter #LTD::NominalPipingDiameter#
Nominal Diameter Units #LTD::NominalDiameterUnits#
Liner Thickness At Inside Diameter #LTD::[lbl_LinerThicknessAtInsideDiameter]#
Liner Thickness At Face Of Flange #LTD::[lbl_LinerThicknessAtFaceOfFlange]#
Optional Liner Thickness At Face Of Flange #LTD::[lbl_OptionalLinerThkAtFaceOfFlange]#