Planning jobs for task plans - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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HxGN EAM Version

Create and plan the jobs necessary to complete a task plan by associating pre-planned jobs to task plans. Alternately, create a specific job for a task plan on this form.

  1. Select Work > WO Planning > Task Plans.

  2. Select the task plan for which to plan jobs, and then click the Jobs tab.

  3. Click Add Job.

  4. Specify this information:

    Sequence - Specify the sequential order in which the job should be performed during the task plan.

    Job Plan - Specify the job plan to add to the task plan. The job plan description is automatically populated.

    Description - Specify a description of the job to complete for the task plan.

    Type - Select the type of job plan to be performed.

    Class - Specify the class of the job plan.

    Equipment Type - Specify the equipment type.

    Equipment Class - Specify the class of the equipment.

    Material List - Specify the material list the system will assign to the job plan.

    Trade - Specify the trade to associate to the job plan.

    UOM - Specify the unit of measure for the job plan.

    Estimated Hours - Specify the number of hours estimated to complete the job.

    People Required - Specify the number of people required to complete the job.

    Reason For Repair - Specify the reason a repair is required for the job plan.

    System Level - Specify the EMRS code identifying the system needing repair.

    Assembly Level - Specify the EMRS code identifying the subsystem needing repair. The values available are based on the system-level code.

    Component Level - Specify the EMRS code identifying the specific component or part needing repair. The values available are based on a combination of the system-level code and the assembly-level code. EMRS Description is automatically populated based on the combination of the system, assembly, and component descriptions.

    Component Location - Specify the location the check will be performed on the equipment.

    Preferred Supplier - Specify the preferred supplier for the job plan.

    Total Price - Specify the total cost of the job per unit of measure.

    Commodity - Specify the commodity to associate to the job plan.

    Buyer - Specify the buyer responsible for the job.

    Active Checklist - Select if the tasks contains active checklist items.

    Performed By Required - Select to indicate that the identification of the person performing the checklist on the task is required.

    Reviewed By Required - Select to indicate that the identification of the person reviewing the checklist results on the task is required.

    WO Description - Specify the description of the follow-up work order the system will create when checklist items are selected for follow-up.

    WO Type - Select the work order type of the task checklist.

    WO Class - Specify the work order class of the task checklist.

    WO Status - Select the work order status of the follow-up work order.

    WO Priority - Select the work order priority of the follow-up work order.

  5. Click Submit.