Defining material lists - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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HxGN EAM Version

Certain work orders always require the same materials. A material list is a predefined list of parts that may be referenced on an activity of a work order, PM schedule, or standard work order to minimize data entry and ensure consistent material planning for jobs. First, define the material list header information, and then add part line items to the material list. Material lists must contain at least one part line item.

To define material list:

  1. Select Work > WO Planning > Material Lists.

  2. Click New Record.

  3. Specify this information:

    Organization - Specify the organization to which the material list belongs if you use multi-organization security.

    Material List - Specify a unique code identifying the material list, and then enter a description of the material list in the adjacent field.

    Do not use the prefix "V-" in the Material List code. Material list codes with this prefix are reserved for system use only.

    Class - Specify the class of the material list. The classes shown belong to the MATL entity.

    Revision Status - Specify the revision status for the route. Revision is automatically populated.

    You can enter a Revision Status and Approval List only if the PMRVCTRL installation parameter is set to Yes. Contact your system administrator for more information.

    Approval List - Specify the list of approvers authorized for revisions to the material list.

  4. Click Save Record.

  5. Click the Parts tab.

  6. Click Add Part Line. Line Number is automatically populated with the next consecutive number according to the INCRLINO installation parameter.

  7. Specify this information:

    Part - Specify the part to add to the material list.

    Condition - Specify the condition if the part is a condition tracked parent part. If the selected part is a condition tracked child part, Condition is automatically populated.

    Quantity - Specify the quantity needed. The unit of measure is displayed in the adjacent field.

    Reserve - Select to reserve the part when this material list is requested on a new work order. If you mark the part line as Reserve, this setting will carry over to any work order activity on which the material list is selected, and the part for the work order activity is automatically reserved by creating a part reservation record in the indicated store for all material list parts flagged for reserve.

    Critical - Select if the part is critical to all work activities requiring the material list.

    Line Number - Modify the line number as necessary.

    Equipment - Specify the equipment associated with the part. The part for issue is displayed only when you associate the material with a work order that has the specified equipment.

  8. Click Submit.