Associating suppliers with parts - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Associate suppliers with parts. You can have multiple suppliers for a part within an organization. Additionally, suppliers may also have different methods for distributing parts, such as their own unique units of measure. If a supplier’s unit of measure for selling a part is different than the unit of measure of the part in inventory, you must establish the conversion factor for the part to create the appropriate unit of measure for an issue. You can also identify the supplier’s catalog number for the part, supplier’s part description, as well as other information pertaining to supplier’s price, currency, and minimum order quantity.

The reference between suppliers and parts is created automatically when generating purchase orders. The system verifies the supplier and notifies you if a supplier is not recorded for a specific part. You may still proceed with a transaction after such a warning. If you do proceed, the system automatically creates a new reference for the part with the supplier.

You must define suppliers on the Suppliers form before associating them with parts. To associate suppliers with parts:

  1. Select Materials > Parts.

  2. Select the part for which to define supplier information, and then click the Suppliers tab.

  3. Click Add Supplier.

  4. Specify this information:

    Supplier - Specify the supplier for the part. The system automatically populates Supplier Org. and Tax Code.

    Supplier Part Desc. - Specify the supplier’s description of the part.

    Condition - Specify the condition if the part is a condition tracked parent part. The system automatically populates Part and Part Org. of the part associated to the selected Condition. If the part is a condition tracked child part, the system automatically populates Condition, Part, and Part Org.

    Catalog Reference - Specify the supplier’s part number. It may be identical to the existing part number.

    Cost Code - Specify the cost code with which to associate the cost of the part.

    Gross Price - Specify the supplier’s price for the part without discounts or additional fees.

    Repair Price - Specify the supplier’s repair price for the part if the part is core tracked.

    Repair Price is only enabled if the Part for which you are entering a supplier record is core tracked.

    If you entered an Internal Repair Price for a part on the Repair Details page of the Parts form, the system retrieves the Repair Price from the repair details for the part. If you did not specify an Internal Repair Price, the system retrieves the Base Price of the part for the Repair Price.

    Preferred - Select to indicate that the supplier is the preferred supplier of the part.

    Minimum Order Qty. - Specify the supplier’s minimum order quantity for the part.

    UOP - Select the supplier’s unit of purchase for the part.

    Qty. per UOP - Specify the conversion factor if the purchase unit of measure is different from the inventory unit of measure.

    Lead Time (Days) - Specify the average number of days that the supplier needs to provide the ordered goods.

    Repair Part Number - Specify the supplier’s repair part number for the part if the part is core tracked.

    Repair Part Number is only enabled if the Part for which you are entering a supplier record is core tracked.

    Documoto Book ID - Specify a specific Documoto Book with which to associate the supplier.

    Documoto Part ID - Specify a unique Documoto part number.

    Expiration Date - Specify the expiration date for the part and supplier. This is just a "catalog" date, and the date entered indicates the date on which the supplier’s catalog information for the part should be replaced with a new catalog entry (new price, number, etc.).

    Tax Code - Specify the tax code for the supplier.

  5. Click Submit. The system automatically populates Net Price.

    • The system calculates the Net Price by adjusting the Gross Price for any discounts or additional fees for the part.

    • The system inserts the current date in Date Last Updated and calculates Local Price based on the currency of your organization with the following equation:

      (Gross Price / Exchange Rate) / Qty. per UOP = Local Price

    • To delete a supplier, select the supplier to delete, and then click Delete Supplier. To add iProcure item association, click Add iProcure Item Association.

    • To update iProcure items in the parts catalog, click Update iProcure Items.

    • To update selected iProcure items in the parts catalog, click Update Selected iProcure Items.

    • To view iProcure sync errors, click View iProcure Sync Errors. View the errors, and then click Close.