Creating preventive maintenance work orders - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Create preventive maintenance (PM) work orders to generate periodic work orders for specified frequencies or meter readings.

Preventive maintenance work orders apply to single pieces of equipment or to systems that include several pieces of equipment.

You can only insert, update, or delete work orders if you are authorized to do so.

When you are creating PM schedules to generate periodic work orders, you can establish a "nesting reference" between major and minor PMs to bypass a minor PM that coincides with the release of a major PM. For example, you create a major PM for 90,000-mile service on a truck, for which the PM work order activities include changing the oil. You have also created a minor PM for changing the oil every 3000 miles. You can establish a nesting reference between the major PM for 90,000-mile service and the minor PM for changing the oil after 3000 miles to enable the system to bypass the PM for changing the oil after 3000 miles if its release coincides with the release of the PM for 90,000-mile service.

The system can only bypass a minor PM work order if it is currently associated with a major PM work order with a status of Released.

When bypassing a nested minor PM work order, a status of Bypassed is assigned to the minor PM work order until the major PM work order is completed. Once the major PM work order is completed, the minor PM work order is automatically assigned the status specified for Awaiting Release and it's Due Date is advanced past the Completion Date of the major PM work order.

Additionally, if you change the status of a released major PM to Awaiting Release, the system also sets the status of any related bypassed minor PMs to Awaiting Release.

If a nested, minor PM work order is already released when the major PM work order is released, the system can be configured to automatically assign the minor PM a Completed status when the major PM is released, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The install parameter AUTOPMCL must be set to YES. Contact your system administrator.

  2. The Completed status must be populated for the minor PM Schedule.

  3. The minor PM work order must be released prior to the release of the major PM.

  4. Once the major PM work order is released, the minor PM work order status will be set to the value of the Completed status, and the next minor PM work order is assigned a status of Awaiting Release.

If you have set up the system to require an electronic signature to authorize status changes to PM work orders, the system will display the eSignature pop-up when status changes occur for major and minor PM work orders associated with each other through a nesting reference.