Viewing events and work orders for equipment - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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View the list of work orders and other events related to the equipment.

To view events and work orders for equipment:

  1. Select one of these options:

    • Equipment > Assets

    • Equipment > Positions

    • Equipment > Systems

    • Equipment > Setup > Locations

  2. Select the equipment for which to view equipment work orders, and then click the Events tab.

  3. View the equipment work order and events information.

    When you select a record in the grid, the system populates the associated work order number next to Event. The work order number is a hyperlink to the actual work order on the Work Orders screen.

    Double-click on a record in the grid to hyperlink to the Work Orders form.

    For linear equipment records, the system populates From Point and To Point based on the entire length in the linear reference unit of measure of the equipment.

  4. Specify this information:

    From Point - Specify the point of the linear equipment record from which to view events.

    To Point - Specify the point of the linear equipment record to which to view events.

  5. Click Run. The system displays events that intersect at any point with the segment. For example, the system displays a work order if its To Point intersects with the segment’s From Point or if its From Point intersects with the segment’s To Point.