Associating billing codes with fleet customers - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Associate billing codes with fleet customers. By associating a specific billing code with a specific fleet customer, you determine the rate for a specific billing category. Together billing codes and markup codes, when associated with specific fleet customers, determine the total rates for fleet billing categories such as usage and mileage.

  1. Select Work > Fleet > Fleet Customers.

  2. Select the fleet customer with which to associate billing codes, and then click the Billing Codes tab.

  3. Click Add Code.

  4. Specify this information:

    Billing Code - Specify the billing code with which to associate the fleet customer.

    Markup Code - Specify the markup code with which to associate the fleet customer.

    You must specify a Billing Code and/or a Markup Code.

    Equipment Type - Select the equipment type with which to associate the fleet customer.

    Equipment Class - Specify the equipment class with which to associate the fleet customer.

    Equipment Category - Specify the equipment category with which to associate the fleet customer.

    Maintenance Labor - Select to bill for maintenance labor.

    Maintenance Contract Labor - Select to bill for maintenance contract labor.

    Maintenance Parts - Select to bill for maintenance parts.

    Fuel - Select to bill for fuel.

    Mileage - Select to bill for mileage.

    Usage - Select to bill for usage.

    Non-maintenance Labor - Select to bill for non-maintenance labor.

    Non-maintenance Contract Labor - Select to bill for non-maintenance contract labor.

    Non-maintenance Parts - Select to bill for non-maintenance parts.

    Insurance - Select to bill for insurance.

    Exceptions - Select to bill for exceptions.

  5. Click Submit.