Returning parts from a stock record of a part - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Return parts from a stock record of a part on the Stock page of the Parts form using the Return Part popup.

If you have selected FIFO or LIFO as your pricing method, the system calculates the transaction price of returns using the R5FIFO table, rather than retrieving the base price from the R5PARTS or R5STOCK table.

To return parts from a stock record of a part:

  1. Select Materials > Parts.

  2. Select the part to return, and then click the Stock tab.

  3. Select the store, bin, and lot to which to return the part, and then click Return Part.

  4. Specify this information:

    Return Condition - Specify the condition of the part you are returning.

    Work Order-Activity, Project-Budget, Equipment, Job - Specify the work order/activity, project/budget, equipment, or job against which to return parts.

    You must select a valid combination for Work Order-Activity/Equipment or for Work

    Order-Activity/Project-Budget to submit the return; or you can select to make the return to an individual piece of Equipment or an individual Project-Budget.

    Department - Specify the department to which to return parts.

    Return Qty. - Specify the number of parts to return. If the part to return is tracked by asset, the system automatically populates the Return Qty. with 1 and it is protected. You must specify the asset by which the part is tracked for Asset ID. You cannot modify the Return Qty. when returning a part tracked by asset from a stock record.

  5. Click Submit.