Defining hazards - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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HxGN EAM Version

A hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or the employee's environment such as working with fire and flammable equipment, lifting heavy objects, handling sharp objects, working near roadsides, working at heights, or working in confined spaces. Define these situations as hazards to notify your employees of potential dangers in the workplace as they perform maintenance.

After defining hazards, define precautionary measures for each hazard on the Precautions form.

To update or revise hazard records once created, right-click on a hazard record, and then select Create New Revision.

To define hazards:

  1. Select Work > Permit to Work > Hazards.

  2. Specify this information:

    Organization - Specify the organization of the hazard.

    Hazard - Specify a unique code identifying the hazard, and then enter a description in the adjacent field. Alternately, you may opt to allow the system to automatically generate Hazard.

    Specify the Status and Class of the hazard. The system automatically populates Class Org.

    Hazard Type - Select the type to classify the hazard. For example, select Biological Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Physical Hazards, or Radiological Hazards.

    Date Review Required - Specify the date by which to review the hazard.

  3. Optionally, select the Out of Service check box to indicate that the hazard should not display in lookups on the Safety pages.

  4. Click Save Record. The system automatically populates Created By and Date Created.

    After updates to the hazard record are saved, the system automatically populates Updated By, Date Updated, and Revision.